Foundation Paper Piecing Masterclass

Learn how to Foundation Paper Piece - Afternoon Tea Pattern Included

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    Foundation Paper Piecing Masterclass £47
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        By submitting this form you agree to our Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy

        If you already have an account at The Crafty Nomad Sewing School you will need to log in first.  Payment will be taken using the credit card you have stored in your account area.  If it has expired or you would prefer to use a different card then you will need to first go to your account section and update the card first and then make the purchase.  Many thanks.  Jo

        Some people are experiencing an issue when trying to buy, if when you click the buy button, nothing happens, try these fixes: 1) Try buying the course on a different device; 2) Contact me to arrange a different payment method (; or 3) Go to into your security (e.g. Kapersky) and click 'allow data collection for this website', that seems to resolve the issue.