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Cutting for Accuracy - Quilt Hive Class 1

In this class you'll learn lots of cutting tips and tricks that will help get more accurate blocks

This class is part of our Quilt Hive Membership: a subscription that gives access to heaps of online patchwork & quilting classes.

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Cutting for Accuracy - Class Content

In this first class in Quilt Hive, it's important to focus on the basics. So we'll start by taking a good look at why cutting accurately is so important for your patchwork journey.

In this class you will learn:

  • All about tools to help you cut accurately
  • Potential pitfalls which lead to inaccurate cutting
  • How to accurately cut in different ways including curves and cutting from scraps

In this class we cut the fabric for a project that students make in the second class of Quilt Hive which is Precision Piecing.

You can check out the full contents of the class below.

Course Curriculum

I've been teaching sewing, patchwork & quilting for over 10 years and I'm excited to help you.  

I have absolutely LOVED helping every single one of my customers develop and improve their sewing, patchwork & quilting skills.  It's truly rewarding to see students progress and have 'lightbulb moments'.

I love teaching, breaking topics down into bite-sized chunks and making it achievable for all!  Since moving most of my teaching online it's been eye opening to realise that most people learn better this way: working at their own pace and having more time to practise; but still getting time with the teacher to ask questions.